This site is owned by Pinaykeypoint Team. Web Photos are part of the inclusion of our services. Your Photos are saved in a paid storage of our Picasa account. This is free but optional if you want privacy. You may ask for deletion but you have to ensure that your request for deletion is final because you cannot retrieve deleted photos.
Hi, our email was hacked and we can no longer recover it. We posted about it in our website that you must use for all your email and concerns since we can no longer access it. Please do not charge us of bad service if you are only demanding for you photos. Photo Coverage is not part of the inclusion of your trip. We deliver the Spa Tour to you in full and you sent us a good feedback about it. This is the reason why we do not include photo coverage as part of the inclusion to avoid this kind of issues and demands. Most of the photos that you see in our website are from the clients who sent their photos to us because they want it to be posted in our website.